
滞纳金英文是Late fee,或许用 Overdue Payment 会更加接近一些,因为滞纳金大多时候是指针对不按纳税期限缴纳税款或者不按还款期限归还贷款,按滞纳天数加收滞纳款项一定比例的金额,它是税务机关或者债权人对逾期当事人给予经济制裁的一种措施。

What is a late fee(滞纳金)?

1.A late fee, also kn.wn asa late fine or a past due fee, is a charge levied against a client by a company or organization for not paying a bill or returning a rented or borrowed item by its due date. Its use is most commonly associated with businesses like creditors, video rental outlets and libraries. Late fees are generally caLCulated on a per Day, per item basis.

2.A late fee, also known as an overdue fine, late fine, or past due fee, is a charge fined against a client by a company or organization for not paying a bill or returning a rented or borrowed item by its due date.

3.A fee charged when a payment is not reCEived on time. Some common bills which almost always have a late fee policy are credit card payments, mortgage and student loan payments, and car lOAn payments.


滞纳金是对没有按时缴款的一种惩罚制度,滞纳金是利滚利的,严重时还影响到个人的信用.对于未能在到期还款日营业终了前偿还最低还款额的,除应按期计付贷款利息外,还应按最低还款额未还部分的5%支付滞纳金。滞纳金是对持卡人不能按期足额偿还最低还款额的惩罚。 连续两次(含)以上在到期还款日营业终了前未能足额偿还最低还款额的,发卡机构可以停止该卡的使用。

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